SAFEXPLAIN partner Enric Mezzetti from Barcelona Supercomputing Center will join the ADRA-e hosted webinar on “Trustworthy AI: Landscaping veriable robustness and transparency” on 29 May 2024 from 10-12h.
The TrustworthyAI Cluster, nine EU-projects under call Horizon Europe call HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01-01 ,will come together and share the developments undertaken as part of their projects towards Trustworthy AI technology. The projects will present their specific use cases that showcase progress in veriable robustness and transparency.
SAFEXPLAIN will explain how TrustworthyAI is critical for incorporating AI and Deep Learning safely into critical embedded systems like cars, rail and trains by ensuring these technologies are compliant with functional safety requirements and certificiation and standards.
Join us for more information!