EV community at Innovex 24 welcomes presentation by SAFEXPLAIN

Date: June 11, 2024
SAFEXPLAIN partner, Carlo Donzella from exida development, opens EV session with key note on “Enabling the Future of EV with TrustworthyAI”

June 6, 2024 marked an important opportunity for the SAFEXPLAIN project to share project results with key audiences from the Asian-Pacific region and beyond as part of the 2024 InnoVex Forum “Toward the EV Era”. Partner Carlo Donzella from exida development opened the forum with a keynote presentation entitled, “Enabling the Future of EV with TrustworthyAI”.

INNOVEX is a unique start up exhibit that is held concurrently with COMPUTEX, an international B2B professional exhibit. This four-day event had the theme, “Connecting AI”, and it drew a total of 85,179 attendees. The top ten visitor countries/regions were Japan, the United States, South Korea, China, Thailand, Hong Kong, Vietnam, India, the Philippines, and Indonesia.

Carlo Donzella from exida development shares the stage with fellow speakers of the “Toward the EV Era” Forum

The presentation delved into the question “how far are we from full autonomy in cars”? By presenting the SAFEXPLAIN project goals and the challenges it is working to address, exia development provided a clear look into the the opportunities and limitations for AI (machine/deep learning) in critical embedded systems and the solutions pursued as part of the project. Key aspects such as the safety-related system development processes, logic behind AI software design and the specific challenges caused by AI were discussed.

Carlo Donzella with Claire Huang, director, and other staff of TUV Nord Taiwan, at their booth at the Nangang Exhibition Center

Attendees were very interested in the presentation and SAFEXPLAIN technology. This opportunity opened the door to several ideas and discussions with attendees and important organizations who see the value of the project objectives and initial results. Many participants were interesetd in “Architecting DL solutions enabling certification/qualification“ goal was considered of extreme interest by most of the participants. ​

“We are particularly grateful for your willingness to share your knowledge and experience. 

Your insightful talk on【Enabling the Future of EV with Trustworthy AI】received considerable positive feedback from attendees. 

The ideas and discussions you presented have sparked interest and will undoubtedly inspire further dialogue.”

Felicia Liu
Overseas & Industry Service Div.
Taipei Computer Association (TCA)
Carlo Donzella discusses with Karthi Madhavan, Taiwan country representative of TATA Consulting Services, during the forum session
Carlo Donzello met with Nelson Chu, Director of the Software Technology Institute of III, and other key staff

The recording of the entire forum can be found below. Visit InnoVex for more information on this important event.