The Technical Unversity of Catalunya hosted a course on “Automotive Embedded Systems” directed at Master´s students coming from the disciplines of Telecommunications Engineering, Electronic Engineering, and more. SAFEXPLAIN coordinator, Jaume Abella, presented this course in conjunction with Roger Marsal, Safety Manager at FICOSA, a top-tier global provider of technology for the automotive and mobility sectors.
The training course took place from 1-19 April and was comprised of 10 sessions, 2 of which focused on “Functional Safety”. One of the modules of this session presented concepts coming from the SAFEXPLAIN project. This information was presented on 12 April and focused on helping to share preliminary findings with the next generation of scientists. Key concepts shared included a look into the difference between the current practice of Critial Embedded Systems and AI and future designs, the logic behind compliance with standards, logic behind AI software design and on-going research on AI software and its integration into this critical embedded systems.

The slides for this module are availabe here.