On 8-9 November 2023, the SAFEXPLAIN project participated in the 2023 AI, Data, Robotics Forum as a silver sponsor. BSC partners Francisco J. Cazorla and Axel Brando presented the SAFEXPLAIN project during the poster session and gave a brief talk to AI experts.
The event provided a key forum for insightful discussions and exchange ideas on European AI. Project partners were able to join the discussion on pertinent challenges and strategic opportunities of AI within the ADR ecosystem and beyond. Special focus was placed on how to navigate the future of AI, while keeping in mind the need for trust and addressing any potential risks that may arise from new technology.
SAFEXPLAIN representatives highlighted the importance of TrustworthyAI for fostering responsible innovation and safeguarding our shared values for a prosperous future.
SAFEXPLAIN was exhibited via roll-up throughout the forum and was presented on day 2 of the forum.
See the roll-up here.
From left to right: Francisco J. Cazorla presents the SAFEXPLAIN roll-up, opening ceremony of the 2023 ADRF (top), poster session at ADRF, Axel Brando shares an overview of the SAFEXPLAIN project.
For more information on this event, visit: https://adrforum.eu/ .

Joining the 2023 ADRF? Visit our roll-up in the exhibition space and speak to Barcelona Supercomputing Center researchers Francisco Cazorla and Axel Brando about the project!