SAFEXPLAIN takes part in 1st intacs® certified ML for Automotive SPICE® (pilot) training

Date: August 14, 2024

Members of the intacs® working sub-group and course participants meet for pilot training on ML for Automotive SPICE®

SAFEXPLAIN partner, exida development provided invaluable contributions to the two days of pilot training for the intacs® certified machine learning (ML) automotive SPICE® training. After months of exchange as part of the intacs® working sub-group, the training was held with selected participants on 30-31of July 2024 at a training facility near Stuttgart.

Exida development was especially proactive in providing evidence from the SAFEXPLAIN project that Machine Learning for Automotive SPICE® can help improve ML development quality and in sharing a comprehensive overview of the currently relevant ML standards and regulations.

Two examples from SAFEXPLAIN partner NAVINFO were shared and were well-received thanks to their value as the only two “real world” examples included in the training syllabus.

Carlo Donzella, from exida development, shares examples from NAVINFO’s work on the automotive case study

The start date of the official world-wide training courses has yet to be announced but updates are expected at the beginning of autumn.

What is intacs®?

The intacs® scheme is an independent and legally registered nonprofit organization with open and transparent operations in an honorary capacity and a global and multilingual presence. Its mission is to ensure high-quality assessor qualification in the worldwide community for process assessments according to ISO/IEC 33xxx. Also, the latest development in standards, e.g., ISO/IEC 33xxx, will be reflected in training and guidelines for the assessors. More information can be found here.

Sharing SAFEXPLAIN results and including project examples as part of intacs® certification offers an important opportunity for the project to disseminate its findings to a relevant audience who is committed to quality and safety.