SAFEXPLAIN partner, exida, presented the SAFEXPLAIN project in the exida-hosted Automotive Symposium on18 October 2023 in Spitzingsee, Germany. The event brought together world-leading experts in cyber security, open-source, big data, AI and functional safety.
Carlo Donzella, Exida Italy Chief Executive Officer, presented “The ASPICE Machine Learning Engineering (MLE) model in the context of the SAFEXPLAIN project”.

The presentation provided an overview of traditional functional safety-compliant development process and its AI-related challenges. It introduced the SAFEXPLAIN project and its goal to tailor the safety life cycle to enable deep neural network (DNN) certification and to tailor DNNs to match the properties nedded by functional safety standards. It concluded with a comparison of ASPICE/SAFEXPLAIN models and preliminary conclusions about their relationship.
For more information about the event, visit the symposium event page.