On 19 January 2024, members of the SAFEXPLAIN consortium participated in the 12th Workshop on “MCS: Mixed Critical Systems – Safe and Secure Intelligent CPS and the development cycle”, co-located within the 2024 HiPEAC Conference.
The workshop counted with the participation of key research and industry players who are all working toward the future convergence of safe Artificial Intelligence, High-Performance Secured and Safe platforms, and the secure Continuum development of Cyber-Physical Systems.
The workshop kicked-off with an introduction and roundtable about Safe and Secure Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and the development cycle, with inputs from both industry and research. It then continued with a panel on the “Continuum development & High Peformance Secured and Safe platforms” with inputs from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, the University of Lübeck, and the German Aerospace Center (DLR).
SAFEXPLAIN, presented by Irune Agirre from IKERLAN, formed part of the afternoon session on “Artificial Intelligent Dependable Autonomous Systems”, chaired by Kim Grüttner, Head of the Department at German Aerospace Center (DLR). Fellow participants Safe.trAIn and ECOMOBILITY delved into different approaches to autonomous systems.

Extract of workshop agenda, organized by IKERLAN
The workshop provided an in-depth look into the pressing needs of explainability, safety and security at all aspects of CPS, given their increasing ubiquity, variety of functions and varying degrees of criticality, particularly in terms of safety and security. SAFEXPLAIN’s contribution focused on the safe and secure development life cycle, looking at the entire development process, emphasizing verification, validation, and testing mechanisms that align with emerging standards to ensure the safety and security of the systems being created.

More information on the workshop can be found here.