The 28th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2024) was held in Barcelona, Spain from 11-14 June 2024. This conference is an established international fourm for providers, practitioners and researchers in reliable software technologies. SAFEXPLAIN was present in the two core days of the conference and in the special session for workshops and contributed critical participations in an invited talk, a panel and the SAFE AI workshop.
Invited talk
Partners Jaume Abella and Fran Cazorla from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center helped open the Ada-Europe Conference by giving the talk that opened the session on “Security and Safety in Embedded Systems”.
Their presentation, “Strategies to build safety relevant high-performance HW/SW platforms form critical embedded systems” focused on the two sets of technologies that mitigate the risks associated with the increasing complexity of the platforms needed for future critical embedded systems: 1) softeware-only solutions based on advanced platform testing and configuration and 2) hardware modules proviidng observabiliyt, controllability and support for safety measures.

More information on their talk can be found here.
Panel participation
On June 13th, Irune Yarza from IKERLAN participated in a panel “AI for Safety-Critical Systems: How “I” Should the AI be?” Irune was one of three women researchers who delved into technological, safety, and ethical concerns of artificial intelligence. The session was moderated by Cristina Seceleanu from Mälardalen University Sweden and counted with the participation of: Kerstin Bach (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Marta Barroso (Barcelona Supercomputing Center) and Irune Yarza (Ikerlan). More information about the speakers can be found here.

SAFEAI Workshop
The Ada-Europe conference wrapped up with a day of workshops in which the SAFEXPLAIN project hosted the “SAFEAI: Enabling the use of AI in Safety-Critical Systems” workshop.

The workshop began with a welcome by SAFEXPLAIN coordinator Jaume Abella and introduction to the workshop. Key topics highlighted during the workshop included the challenges faced by industrial cases that build on AI and the latest advances in terms of safety-relevant system development, AI solutions amenable for safety-criticaly systems, and system software and middleware support to contain and model platform complexity. More information on the workshop can be found here.
See the presentations by Irune Yarza (Ikerlan) and Gabriele Girordana (AIKO)