Introducing SAFEXPLAIN:
Safe and Explainable Critical Embedded Systems based on AI
To improve the explainability and traceability of DL components
To provide clear safety patterns for the incremental adoption of DL software in Critical Autonomous AI-based Systems (CAIS)
To integrate the SAFEXPLAIN libraries with an industrial system-testing toolset
To create architectures of DL components with quantifiable and controllable confidence, and that have the ability to identify when predictions should not be released based on applicability’s scope or security concerns
To design, implement, or update selected representative DL software libraries according to safety patterns and safety lifecycle considerations, meeting specific performance requirements on relevant platforms
Deep Learning (DL) techniques are key for most future advanced
software functions in Critical Autonomous AI-based Systems (CAIS) in
cars, trains and satellites. Hence, those CAIS industries depend on their
ability to design, implement, qualify, and certify DL-based software
products under bounded effort/cost
Case studies
Railway: This case studies the viability of a safety architectural pattern for the completely autonomous operation of trains (Automatic Train Operation, ATO) using intelligent Deep Learning (DL)-based solutions.
Space: This case employs state-of-the-art mission autonomy and artificial intelligence technologies to enable fully autonomous operations during space missions. These technologies are developed through high safety-critical scenarios.
Developing Scenario Catalogues for SAFEXPLAIN Case Studies: the Railway Case
Part of Exida developnet SRL’s work in the SAFEXPLAIN project includes developing a Catalogue of Scenarios and Test Cases for each case study. These scenarios are performed in either a real or simulated testing environment.
RISE Webinar Highlights XAI for Systems with Functional Safety Requirements
Dr Robert Lowe, Senior Researcher in AI and Driver Monitoring Systems from the Research Institutes of Sweden discussed the integration of explainable AI (XAI) algorithms into the machine learning (ML) lifecycles for safety-critical systems, i.e., systems with...
BSC receives visit from delegate from Taiwanese Institute for Information Industry
Figure 1: Photo by Francisco J. Cazorla, BSC representative also attending this meeting The SAFEXPLAIN project was thrilled to receive the visit of Stanley Wang, Director of the Digital Transformation Research Institute, part of the Institute for Information Industry...
Keynote at 36th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems
SAFEXPLAIN research and results will have high visibility in the 2024 36th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems. Francisco Cazorla, co-leader of the BSC’s Critical and AutOnomous Systems (CAOS) group delivered the keynote at this major international conference...
Webinar: AI-FSM- Towards Functional Safety Management for Artificial Intelligence-based Critical Systems
Javier Fernandez from partner IKERLAN will share the SAFEXPLAIN project approach to integrating AI into Functional Safety Management in a safe, trustworthy and transparent way. In this 1.5 hour webinar hosted by HiPEAC, Javier will introduce a AI-FSM lifecycle that...
European Convergence Summit-Digital Booth ADR Exhibition
SAFEXPLAIN will have a digital booth as part of the ADR Digital Exhibition, co-located within the European Convergence Summit 2024. This digital booth will showcase the work conducted as part of the SAFEXPLAIN project, including videos, publications, and presentations...