SAFEXPLAIN deliverables now available!

Date: September 17, 2024

Twelve deliverables reporting on the work undertaken by the project have been published in the results section of the website.

The SAFEXPLAIN deliverables provide key details about the project and how it is progressing. The following deliverables have been created for public consumption and approved by the European Commission. The deliverables available at the project’s two year mark and listed below:

D1.1 Requirements, Success Criteria and platforms

Report capturing the case study and FUSA standards requirements, the success criteria set for each milestone of the project, FUSA principles to consider in SAFEXPLAIN, and choices about the platform and the software stack

D2.2 DL safety architectural patterns and platform

Provides a consolidated analysis of recurrent AI/DL-safety problems and the definition of a set of DL-safety patterns based on the standards and ongoing initiatives studied in T2.1/T2.2, and tailored to the safe DL execution platform.

D3.1 Specificability, explainability, traceability, and robustness proof-of-concept and argumentation

Reports on (i) proposed AI specifications in correspondence with D2.1, (ii) Trustworthy and explainable AI architecture
for dependable DL components and (iii) online safety supervision architecture. Also, it reports early specificability,
explainability, traceability, and robustness arguments and requirements

D3.2 Interim report on DL components and libraries

Reports on the progress done on the implementation of the DL components and the usage of the framework to train the
neural networks. It also covers the report on the low-level optimization libraries for the selected accelerators

D4.1 Interim Plattform Technologies Report

This report captures the advancements done in T4.1-T4.4 by MS2. It will provide an assessment of the degree of
completion in each of these tasks, and baseline technology where to integrate the case studies.

D5.1 Case study stubbing and early assessment of case study porting

Reports the specifications and the necessary stubbing made in each case study and an assessment on the impact it might have on the behaviour of the application. It also covers a status report on case study porting.

D6.1 Communication and Dissemination Plan

Description of the communication and dissemination strategy, the activities to be undertaken to achieve this, and KPIs to monitor progress. Dissemination results will be reported in the periodic and final reports.

D6.2 Exploitation Plan

Description of the exploitation strategy, the activities to be undertaken to achieve this, and KPIs to monitor progress.
Exploitation results and an updated exploitation plan will be provided in the periodic and final reports.

D6.3 Initial communication and dissemination report

Communication, dissemination and knowledge transfer activities until month 12 including the open communities and
development environments where SAFEXPLAIN results will be disseminated.

D6.6 Initial exploitation report

Updated analysis of the exploitation context, business opportunities and exploitable results identifications, based on the requirements gathered at year 1 (m12).

D7.1 Project management plan and quality guidelines

Document that defines the main project procedures as well as the standards and quality procedures to be used throughout the project. This handbook will also include a section on Gender Equality guidelines for monitoring and management measures and cohesion activities with the PPP on AI, Data and Robotics and the CSA HORIZON CL4-2021-HUMAN-01-02.

D7.3 Gender and Equality Committee Report

Document capturing the gender aspects during the project lifetime with the involvement of all partners. Updates to this
report in m24 and m36